Operational Tips for Mexico – PPRs and Slots

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Operational Tips for Mexico – PPRs and Slots

This is a post by author Manuel Girault. Manuel is the general director at Universal Aviation Mexico, which has an FBO facility in Toluca and aircraft ground handling facilities in Cancun, Los Cabos and Cozumel. Manuel is an expert on business aircraft operations in Mexico and can be contacted at manuelgirault@universalaviation.aero.

This business aviation blog post is part of a series on operating in Mexico and continues from our last article: “Business Aviation Operations in Mexico – Understanding Airport Ops.”

Prior Permission Required (PPR) and airport slot requirements apply only to a few locations in Mexico, but there are several nuances to consider when making those requests. Always be sure to provide appropriate lead times and be aware of PPR/airport slot revision policies.

The following is an overview of what you need to know:

1. PPRs are required at some airports

PPR is needed for Mexico City (MMMX) and Cancun (MMUN) throughout the year and for Los Cabos (MMSD) during the November-to-May high season. PPRs are necessary for all aircraft at MMMX, while MMUN and MMSD only require PPRs for wide-body aircraft with a cabin width of more than 15 feet. PPR requirements for traditional corporate-sized aircraft have been dropped both at MMUN and MMSD due to a general reduction in corporate aircraft movements over recent years. If a PPR is required, provide at least 72 hours’ advance notification.

2. Know where to send PPR requests

In Mexico, PPR requests are always sent to local airport authorities – not the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC).

3. Airport slots may be required

MMMX requires airport slots for all arriving and departing aircraft. MMUN only requires airport slots for wide-body aircraft (cabin width of more than 15 feet). Slot requests need to be in a special format and should be submitted at least 72 hours in advance. Airport authorities will review the slot request and stamp it to indicate approval.

4. Slot confirmation numbers are not necessary

Your airport slot request will be stamped with an authorization, but a slot number is not provided. Airport authorities in Mexico process airport slots 24/7.

5. Know best practice in managing airport slots

Slot deviation is -/+ 15 minutes, and best practice is to try to keep to the time of your airport slot approval. If an airport slot revision is needed, it’s recommended that airport authorities be given 24 hours’ advance notice. If an airport slot time is missed, ATC will not allow the aircraft to land, and you’ll need to divert.

Closing thoughts

PPR and airport slot requests for Mexico are best coordinated with your 3rd-party provider, or ground handler, to ensure correct lead times and to avoid issues with revisions.


If you have any questions about this article or if you would like assistance with planning your next trip to Mexico, contact me at manuelgirault@universalaviation.aero.

Later, we’ll discuss fuel, security and additional services for Mexico and their impact on your trip.

Got a question for Manuel about this article?
