Business Aircraft Ops to the Dominican Republic – Part 2: Permits, Slots & CIQ

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Business Aircraft Ops to the Dominican Republic – Part 2: Permits, Slots & CIQ

From the permit perspective operations to the Dominican Republic are straightforward and not onerous. However, there are additional steps and considerations to be mindful of for certain categories of charter operations.

The following is an overview of what you need to know:

1. Overflight and landing permits

Overflight permits are never needed for the Dominican Republic. Landing permits are not required for private non-revenue flights or for most charter (non-scheduled commercial) flights. If you’re operating a charter with more than 12 passenger seats a landing permit will be required, with a lead time of 48 hours. Note that charter flights with 12 or less passenger seats are considered “Air Taxi” and a permit is not actually needed. It’s just notification to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and no documentation needs to be forwarded.

2. Permit processing

Charter permits are processed by CAA during normal hours Monday-Friday 0800-1700 local. However, in some cases CAA may approve last minute permit requests, at their discretion. Note that air ambulance flights do not require permits into/out of the country, as long as you provide flight and passenger information.

3. Permit validity and revisions

Once issued, permits are valid for 24 hours. Note that permit numbers are not usually provided. Permit revisions are needed if there’s a date change or if the departure point, or destination after leaving the country, changes.

4. Information needed for permit requests

The following must be provided when applying for charter permits:

  • airworthiness and registration certificates
  • worldwide insurance
  • air operator certificate (AOC)
  • operations specifications (D-085)
  • full schedule into/out of the country
  • number of passengers into/out of the country

5. Crew/passenger forms

Upon arrival in the Dominical Republic each passenger must fill out an immigration and customs form. For each arrival or departure 14 gen dec copies are needed and should indicate crew info on top and passenger info on the bottom, with full names, dates of birth (DOBs), passport numbers and — for crew — pilot license numbers. Note that the ground handler will complete the documentation needed with the information provided in advance. In terms of passport validity, the Dominican Republic only mandates that passports be valid for length of stay.

6. Flight plans

Be mindful that for departure from the Dominican Republic your flight plan must be filed by the local handler, and not a trip support provider, at least one hour prior to departure. Your ground handler will complete the required flight plan form and submit it on your behalf. No specific information is required to be included in Section 18 Remarks section of your ICAO flightplan.

7. PPRs and airport slots

Prior permission required (PPR) is not mandated for any airport in the country. For most GA equipment airport slots are not required, unless you’re operating a larger aircraft such as an Airbus ACJ or Boeing BBJ.

8. Visa requirements

Visas are required for certain passenger nationalities and, when required, must be obtained prior to arrival. Passengers requiring visas but not having one will be denied entry to the Dominican Republic. Note that crew visas are never required, irrespective of nationality.

9.Onboard pets

It’s generally not an issue bringing pets into the country so long as a valid vaccination certificate has been forwarded in advance. Note that authorities charge an additional 10 USD fees for arrival and departure of each pet into the country.


If you’re operating a charter to the Dominican Republic with aircraft having more than 12 passenger seats additional trip planning requirements and lead times kick in. In such cases it’s important to be aware of CAA hours and limited opportunities to secure short notice permits, particularly over the weekends.

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