Chairman’s Note: Asia-Pacific Reopening – It’s Happening … and Universal is There to Support You!

PT 2 M minute read

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are confident we are truly seeing the opening of the Asia-Pacific region!

It’s been a long 2.5 years of the nearly complete shutdown of foreign travel in the Asia-Pacific region, but today I am thrilled to say the shutdown appears to be coming to an end soon!

Recently, we’ve seen a lot of big restrictions easing announcements across APAC over the Feb/Mar timeframe – including Japan, India, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Australia, and New Zealand.

We anticipate a continued flurry of announcements and rollbacks in the coming weeks, including our hope that China will have positive news now that the Winter Games are over and its elections in March are coming up.

Our Universal Aviation teams on the ground throughout Asia-Pacific are working closely with the governments and authorities, and we’ll share the latest accurate information as soon as we get it.

In the meantime, there is a sizable and growing backlog of Universal customer trips waiting to go once quarantine-free access is available.

However, as we saw with Europe’s “restart” following a prolonged shutdown last summer, it’s not as easy as flipping a switch from off to on, and planning in advance remains critical.

Universal Aviation is in a great position to support your APAC missions at pre-pandemic levels NOW

With little to no traffic for most of the pandemic, many companies eliminated staff, and some even shut down.

Not Universal Aviation. We’ve always taken the long-term approach and remained committed to Asia-Pacific.  We’ve never wavered in our bullishness because we knew the region would eventually rebound, and having our people in all the right places is critical to your Successful Missions!

We continued to invest in the region throughout the pandemic and kept all of our APAC locations open and staffed, supporting the trickle of missions that have come through.

We’ve also invested in recurrent training to ensure our teams remain sharp and ready to go the minute the restrictions eased. In fact, recently, our Universal Aviation Singapore team just earned IS-BAH Stage 3 accreditation.

The bottom line is our teams are ready to jump in immediately with no ramp-up in service quality required. They can’t wait to see you on the ground again and greet you with smiling faces and open arms!

Are you considering any missions to APAC this spring/summer? If so, I’d love to hear from you.

Thank you, as always, for your Trust and Confidence in the Universal Worldwide family!

Warmest regards,

