Executive Summary

What this new owner and their team needed:

  • Rapid mission feasibility answers for short notice trip requests.
  • Flawless execution on international missions.
  • Custom-tailored solutions for specific flight scenarios such as peak season travel, avoiding turbulence, and traveling with pets

What Universal delivered:

  • A consultative partner able to help set realistic expectations for aircraft use and possibilities.
  • Comprehensive operational and regulatory profile set up to maximize the new operator’s Mission Readiness.
  • Customized solutions to maximize travel comfort and overall mission success.


A High Net-Worth Individual Enters Private Aviation

In the wake of pandemic-triggered lockdowns, global health entry requirements, and the ensuing complexities of commercial air travel, a high-net-worth individual decided to enter the world of private aviation as a first-time aircraft owner.

Motivated by the desire for freedom, flexibility, and an elevated standard of health and safety—attributes uniquely afforded by private flying, particularly for international journeys – the individual looked forward to traveling on his own terms.

Finding the Right Partner

As the anticipated delivery of the new aircraft approached, the appointed Chief Pilot sought Universal’s expertise to help navigate the challenges of supporting a first-time owner, such as managing expectations, determining the feasibility of proposed missions, and ensuring the flight department was mission-ready to handle as many mission types as possible.

Unrestricted Private Travel vs. Reality

The new owner’s expectations of unrestricted aircraft travel weren’t always in sync with the realities of international aviation regulations and restrictions. Universal helped the Chief Pilot set expectations on what missions were feasible and what some of the challenges and limitations were with some of the mission asks the owner was looking to do.

Challenging Flight Scenarios Supported

Long-Term Parking on the Med During Peak Season

One of the first missions the new owner wanted to use his new aircraft for a series of hops along the Mediterranean cost during peak season. The owner was unaware of the stringent long-term parking restrictions in the traditional hotspots, as well as the challenge of making last minute requests and changes during this time. Universal helped the flight department set realistic expectations and offer alternative solutions that accommodated the owner’s needs while adhering to local regulations and constraints.

Traveling with Pets

The new owner was very attached to their beloved golden retriever and planned to travel the world with their pet, unaware of the complex international regulations surrounding pet travel. Universal ensured the owner and their team were fully informed about the current restrictions, including some countries’ mandatory 90-day quarantine periods, preventing a potential pet and owner separation.

Avoiding Turbulence

Upon learning that the owner was particularly turbulence-averse, the Chief Pilot relayed these concerns to Universal. In response, the Universal Flight Planning team updated the operational profile on file to always prioritize routings that circumvented turbulence, embracing the philosophy that a longer, smoother journey far outweighed the discomfort of air disturbances.

Bucket Leisure Trips

Excited about his new aircraft, the owner started asking his flight department about trips to attend high-profile events like Cannes, Wimbledon, and Art Basel, as well as far-flung, Instagramable destinations well off the beaten path – like Antarctica for for skiing.

Knowing that a pop-up trip could happen at any time to anywhere, the Chief Pilot worked with Universal and its Global Regulatory Services team to ensure the aircraft was enrolled in all of the relevant regulatory programs to maximize mission readiness at a moment’s notice for anywhere in the world.

Congested Destinations and Additional Support on the Ground

Traveling to high-traffic events during peak season not only required complex planning for travel but also for managing expectations on the ground.

Universal helped alleviate many of the common pains associated with operating to congested airports and destinations where resources are strained beyond capacity by providing local Universal’s own VIP agents, who are experts in their home territories.

These agents served as an extension of Universal Trip Support on the ground and used local connections and knowledge to create a seamless experience on the ground.

Happy Owner. Happy Flight Department.

By partnering with Universal, the new aircraft owner and their team seamlessly entered the world of private aviation. Universal provided the tools, expertise, and resources to ensure a happy principal while making the  new flight department team look great.

Ready to make your global missions smooth and successful?

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