Making The Business Case:

Adding Feasibility-IQ® in Your Flight Department.

Assessing new software can be challenging. Use this guide to help you understand your potential gains with Feasibility-IQ and if it’s right for you.

Cost Savings Calculator

Understanding the Landscape

Flight departments worldwide are realizing the rewards of integrating Feasibility-IQ into their international mission planning processes. Here’s why:

  • Reduced Tedious Workload and Employee Burnout: Frees up your people to focus on more challenging problems than trip feasibility research.
  • Faster Response Times: No more sending questions to handlers. Allows for ASAP decision making, without making your stakeholders wait.
  • Savings: An average flight department using Feasibility-IQ for international mission planning is saving up to 58+ hours in labor a month!

Seeing the Data

Based on Universal’s internal data, an average 2 hr. 45 min. of research time is needed per ICAO for a fully executed international trip. Even for a research-only mission that does not happen, on an average of 45 min. of research time is needed.

Researched areas include:

  • Airport details and facilities
  • Short/Long-term parking options
  • ARR/DEP logistics information
  • CIQ details and procedures
  • Peak periods and high-traffic events
  • Strikes and closures
  • Permit requirements and lead times
  • Crew/Pax visa entry requirements
  • Health entry restrictions
  • Required services and provider details
  • Average tech stop times
  • And more.

Check out this chart:

Feasibility-IQ takes researching information at each trip stage down to just a few minutes.

Trip Stage Research TimeBefore Feasibility-IQ Research TimeWith Feasibility-IQ
Pre-TripPotential trip request. What’s required and is it feasible? 45 min.
+ wait time for answers from handlers & other third parties
2 min.
& zero wait time
Trip SetupTrip is a go! Now start putting it together. 45 min.
+ wait time
2 min.
& zero wait time
ChangesSchedule changes can be VERY time costly, especially during peak periods that require you to research alternate airports. 30 min.
+ wait time
2 min.
& zero wait time
Pre-DepartureChecking everything again to make sure nothing has changed and everything is right. 45 min.
+ wait time
2 min.
& zero wait time

Visualizing the Transformation

Calculating Your Potential Savings

Here’s a simple calculator you can use you see the potential employee time savings in your flight operation:

Your Hours Saved

And for a simple cost savings example:

Your Cost Savings

Note: Average cost savings varies by flight department. The breakdown between schedulers/dispatchers and crew using feasibility intelligence at the various phases of each trip will impact your exact number.

Then there’s the value of being able answer a feasibility question immediately versus researching and waiting.

Getting Immediate Answers

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